Thursday, September 23, 2010

Got 3rd Finger Today

My lecture was cancelled today... This has happened for me 3 times already... I reached UPM @ 1414 today and shortly after I received sms from Seng Fong & Yong Chin informing me that Prof Othman was sick, therefore lecture cancelled.

I took 15mins nap with 2 interruption - phone calls. Only when I woke up at 1430 I saw their message, took my lunch and finished at 3pm sharp. I was thinking of going to the library to finish up my Philosophy group asgm when I thought of Jenn Jye. He was at home! Thereafter, I went to his house and stayed there for slightly more than 1 hour. Managed to finish up to 13pages of my asgm though! Good! One page top up from the previous 12 pages. (I did 8 pages the night before & 2 additional pages in BRC)

Went swimming @ 1625 and done by 1720. Wanted to come up 5 mins earlier but I was so engrossed in my training! Being mindful gives me such bliss, happiness & peacefulness! WOW!

Today was my earlier home-going from UPM as Wan Mei finishes her lecture @ 1730. We reached Klang by 1845. Just on top of the 2nd flyover, I signaled to cut over to the other lane. When I was in the act of moving my car across, I saw a motorcycle and stay put in my lane.

THEN THE CURSE CAME! A young Malay man who was riding the motorcycle past by me and gave me his 3rd finger! I leaned forward and gave him back his sign language (in bodily language, sort of asking him back - "You showed me your 3rd finger???"). HE CONFIRMED that he gave me HIS 3rd finger by SHOWING ME that sign AGAIN!

Immediately, I WAS ON FIRE! After a split second, my conscious get over me and cool me down, telling me not to get angry. Instead, I should feel sorry for him that he could not control his own Anger! I was sympathized with the lady sitting behind him too. Being together with uncivilized human. Wan Mei saw that act too and asked what happened.

I keep on contemplating on my feeling even when I was walking Mylo about half an hour later. I couldn't bring myself not to be angry at him. Since I couldn't forgive him, I keep reminding myself to let go. The least I can to is to forgive myself. Ajahn Brahm's CD which I have listened for 5 times now was JIT! Couldn't have figured a better timing to have this kind of situation to happen to me!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mindful Swim

I discovered meditation without realizing that it was meditation when I was in my teens, in secondary school years. Since then, I've been using meditation as a technique to help me fall into sleep easier. Though I do not suffer from any sleep disorder, nor have any sleep difficulties, I opt for lying meditation in the beginning.

Not till when I first joined Buddhism camp end of my 1st year in UPM - early 2005, only did I know that what I've been doing for the past 10 years is MEDITATION?!! 3 years later, a Buddhist meditator told me that I've been a practitioner in my past life before! Huh???

I was amazed by those words, but in time to prove again, there were a few other Buddhist Kalyana Mitra who told me the same thing too. Certainly, I could not doubt this matter anymore.

Same thing happened when I was so engrossed in my self-training of swimming in order to get the perfect Freestyle. Victor taught me the right hand technique in order to swim faster and beautifully. That was in my final year in UPM. Suddenly, I have that strong will to improve myself and commit at least an hour daily in swimming pool. Just after a couple of practice on my own, I not only did get my stroke correct, but could focus on my breathing and all my actions as well.

A few years after graduating, I attended a Dhamma talk on mindfulness in daily activities. Suddenly, it struck me that again I was already being mindful in my swimming activity without being told. I even send Metta to Alvin at that time while doing the laps to keep my mind focus.

These 2 happenings further inspired me to watch my mindfulness at all times, especially while driving as I'm often on the road. Currently being mindful comes more easy as it slowly become my daily habit. Yet, I'm not satisfied with my own sitting meditation as often I have a lot of thoughts coming into my mind. Else, I'd be so tired that I fell asleep while meditating.

For those out there who happens to read this blog, I'd advise you to be mindful in simple things first, such as walking, eating, peeing, washing hands or dishes, driving etc. Someday, you'll find insight in your activities!

May all sentient beings be well, happy and peaceful!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I was born and raised in Malacca since 19 December 1984. Having born into conservative parents, naturally, I was not exposed much to the world out of my routine daily activities. Not until I gained the freedom to decide how much time I’d like to allocate in activities I participated during my university’s life that added some sparkles into my life.

The eldest among 4 sisters, I resembled a lot of my father’s stubbornness, eager to learn, always wanted to win and have a quick temper. However, I was very much attracted to the word “Psychology” and ‘Counselling” when I went to a seminar after Form 5 related to divergent courses that was offered by a college.

These two words have been haunting my sub-conscious mind ever since, though I did not give a hard thought during that time. Life went on as usual with school activities, studies and examinations. Not until I got my STPM result that we were all forced to make a choice of career that one would like to be after Degree course that I begin to weight the choices I’d like to make with Psychology or Counselling, or some other subjects that don’t relate much to human behaviour.

The biggest barrier was from my idealistic father who doesn’t encourage the study of human science at all. During that naïve period of me who do not know how to gather more information in this area or sought more ideas on career path of Psychology or Counselling, therefore, things were left to be. I choose a course in Business Administration.

Hope does not dampen in me for things I have not yet achieve. All the moment, I wanted to put the blame on my father for my unachieved ambition. Yet, deep down, I do know that if I do not take action to change and pursue my dreams now, it’ll forever remain unchanged. I will not tolerate the devil in me to blame my cowardliness. Upon acting on instinct, I determined to sign up Master Programme in Counselling end of year 2009.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I wasn't rushing to UPM today...

While driving just now, a gush of peaceful feeling filled my spiritual self... Wow!!!

Suddenly, I was able to reflected myself more thoroughly.

I found out that I am a person that really cares on details. Aiming to do things to perfection. However, when I can't manage to achieve that, I'd shy away denying that I have the ability to complete a task(s) perfectly... Those who know me and are reading this blog, do you view me as a person I wrote I am?

It's quite a committed task always reminding myself to be mindful. To be aware of what am I doing every seconds. Even harder when I tends to entertain to messages or making phone calls while I'm driving. Yet, I often find that that was the best time to settle communication calls and messages. Coz, when I reached a certain place, there would be other things that consume my time doing.

Now, I'm sitting comfortably facing my faculty with breeze blowing into my face. Minimal pressure, no rush of time. I know that I have to leave a bit more allowance of time from 1 task to another task. Yet, how & where?

Oh, I'm so looking forward going home end of this month and during sem break in mid-Sept. A total detoxification and cleansing of mind and body then! For the mean-time, I need to focus on my studies and work. Where else, Lye Song is giving hint that I don't spend enough time with him. Well, that is one area that need to hold for a while. At least till we get marry, which will be a year and a half more. By the time, I'll be almost finishing my studies...

He doesn't find enough time to spend. Same for me too! It seems my workload is getting over-whelmed day by day! Why doesn't it goes the same with salary???

Friday, July 23, 2010

On the TOP of the World!


It's already end of 2nd week. I'm driving & attending lectures with GREAT enthusiasm every day!!! I am very motivated to go for lectures (though there are no assignments yet).

The points that can prove I'm at the top of my world are these:
1. I maintain my alertness throughout the duration of 3 hours in the lectures.
2. I'm feeling truly HAPPY to know that I will be one of the Certified Counsellor in near future.
3. I have a GOAL to score distinction of 3.75 CGPA by the time I finish my course.

In order to achieve all those; I MUST be ABLE to allocate sufficient time for everything (studies, relationships, travel & work responsibilities)

Just to add on - I like languages very much too! Especially languages which I already mastered (English, Malay & Chinese) It can beautifully describe feelings in words.

Just a short blog for tonight. I'm tired & it's late. I need to get up early every morning to get my things done. Lye Song has fallen asleep in my bed....ZZZZZ

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Dogs

It's raining outside & Toro has finally grown up!!!

Today is a cool breezy morning! The wind feels so smooth on my skin. So wonderful! Toro has his first pee stop just outside a neighbour's house a couple of houses away from ours. He lifted his right hind leg & pee like an adult dog! Wow, just slightly pass 7 months! Well, Milo too just had her spay done next week, around 7 months too.

Now, now. I estimated Loto to be around 2.5 months when we noticed that his testis to be growing slowly. Hmm? Isn't it a little too early? Or is he older than we thought? Even if we add additional a month to him, it's still considered too young as Toro started to grow testis at 5 months.

I brought Milo & Loto home last Sat. The reason is because Milo is still on medication & there are nobody to feed her if we were to leave her here. Wherelse Loto is still in his chubby physical. I intended to bring Cunni & Culus home too, however both have grown nearly full-size.

Milo & Loto dirtied my car the most! They vomited in my car during the 5 hours ride. We took 2.5 hours to drive to Ampang, sat there for an hour, then took another 2 hours to drove down M'cca. Therefore, it's actually a near 6 hours ride.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Past Thoughts

I'm currently at home. Will be home for two days. After March, my next trip home would be 15 June. However, it would be for one day only. Else, I'd have to wait till 29 July. Guess I'd go back on both months then. Even that, I couldn't be sure whether I can be home in July or not (as I would be starting my Master studies then).

I hope, I wish, I want to enter Counselling course. Hopefully I'll be able to further my career to UK. When will that be? Another decade?

I do regret my past doings. I like to compare myself with others. Apart from sorrowing over my childhood experience, I often blame myself for those actions that I could have take that would change my growing up path. I was a very timid child. A girl who often hide my true emotion, my true desire. A choice that chosen to grieve alone.

I only dare to explore my own identity when I was away from home. Was it too late?

Not really...

Only that I fall backward after I left UPM. Joining the work force make me a dull girl again....

The television is switched on at the moment. I could not concentrate on my writing now... Will have to continue later...

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Career Path

It was a correct decision that I did not stay in M'cca to work after graduating. Mr Goh brought me to a temple to "ask" for direction on where my career location would be. The God answered that my heart is not in M'cca. Therefore, I ventured out to KL for jobs.

Perhaps my career luck was with me. I never have to worry too long when it comes finding a job. Perhaps it was becouase of this, I just settled down on a job & never stay too long. During that time, Dr Murali needed somebody to help him with one of his friend's thesis & I was offered to help edit. Till today, I feel bad on abandoning the job without informing him. During this time, I stayed in Amy's room for a month since she doesn't have a roommate.

At the same time, Qim was working in KL with Fitness First. Thereupon, he offered to help propose me to Jeremy, his subordinate for a fitness instructor. I was accepted! Lye Song was all the way helpful no matter where I ended up. I stayed at LS's house & drive an hour daily to workplace.

After 1 month of training in Menara Manulife, the training finally started in Menara Axis for 2 weeks. I get to know Hazel & often tumpang her car there. Of course, I shared cost with her. Coincidently, FF are also opening up Klang branch & are short of instructor. I have to leave Kalai & Qim in Manulife & settle in KBT. Was in Manulife for another 2 weeks while waiting for Jusco KBT to open. Finally, I settled in KBT for 5 months. By the 3rd month, I already have thought of leaving! Looks like my mind never settle on things for long. However, only the 4th month, I took the decision to resign. By this time (April 2008), I have start gaining clients. I passed all of them to my colleagues.

After leaving FF, I made a stupid decision joining Rhino Maxx. Based in Cheras (in front of UCSI), I was made a clown going around collecting donation. On the other hand, it was a good decision! I learnt a lot from the street. Only that I realized that I can't go far being there. The most I get was to work till I die. By the 2.5 months only they finally moved to the delayed location, Botanic, Klang again!

Visfinity was the new name under Casey's leadership. However, we all feel that she is being controlled by Branvan. I started to hate the job as our freedom is limited! Therefore, after being high the first month in new location, my result go downward. By Sept 2008, I already made decision to quit. However, I am a girl with word. Previously, I told GSC & Casey that I would bring GSC to expeerience the work. So, silently, I endured to another 1.5 month. While all these are going on, I found that my Aaron & Hannah are planning to quit too. at the same time, my team's spirit deteriorate. Janey was being kicked out as she doesn't perform. Sheryl was absent for a month. I also overheard that Branvan wants to lay her off too! They have previously done that to a Malay girl. It really seems like they don't have compassion towards old staff. My own leader is passive, so we don't have any bond. I pity her that she was about to lose all 3 guy within a month, including her own leader.

I started teaching swimming on July 2008. Therefore, I commute from Cheras to Klang every weekend. I can only teach on Sundays as Rhino Maxx require us to work 6 days a week. Ever since I started working, I find my freedom is so, so much limited. after working with Rhino Maxx, I find this worse! Worst when I moved to Klang!

The only period I have a normal life is when I work as an adjuster in McLarens. Even that, I have to rush back to Klang every Sat after work to avoid Federal Highway jams & reaching BRC on time. I have been reminded a few times by Anwar for being late. LS pula every time ask me out & I found myself unable to do that. Then when it comes Aquasplash's offer for a full-time worker, I accepted & suddenly find myself TOO FREE!!! See how I take jobs as it come?

With Aquasplash, I was contented. After couple of month doing nothing, naturally I think of further studies. Only that the thought came too late, I didn't do enough research to make a firm decision. Therefore, I have to wait another half a year for the next application. However, by December 2009, I start to get busy. Err, now I have a family of pets that I need to take care of.

What do you think of me?
What kind of job can I settle down?
Will taking Counselling course guarantee me a contented working life that i wish for?

Currently, I'm browsing office jobs online in Seri Kembangan so that I can focus on my studies. (Also, to get away from Lye Song).


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cunni & Culus

I have new pet addition at home - 2 white rabbits!

I feel the urge of having a rabbit when I followed Lye Song to the pet shop last Saturday, 13th March 2010. This white rabbit was so active that he licked my hand & bite it non-stop no matter where I moved. I was there for about 10mins & he followed. Thereupon I asked the price of the rabbits - RM20 per rabbit.

That night itself, I dream of having them! I already made my decision to buy one. However, just to make sure they can live in solitary, I made my decision to buy a pair.

Upon searching for a name, I can't make my decision. Therefore, I named them Cunni & Culus upon their scientific name - oryctolagus cunniculus.

Cunni is the one with the black mark on his nose. I'm guessing that he is a mlae based on his activeness. He is the assertive one which is very curious when I came to his cage. After I bring him home, he would be the one who first hop out of cage to explore surrounding for himself.

Whereupon, Culus is typical all white rabbit that takes a step after Cunni. She only get used to my huggings on the second day.

They took over the cage I brought for Milo. I got a scolding form LS after that. As Milo has not heal & Toro like to bang her over. She would yelp & Toro would get a beating from us.

Those rabbits would pee out of the cage. Only this behaviour frust me. Other than that, their shit is pretty easy to clear. As applied to my puppies, I would bring them once in the morning to the green grass & once in the evening. They would feed on the newly grown grass.

While I am at home, I would let them out for a couple of hours. Normally, they would go into the cage when they have enough. Then only I close the door without latching & sweep their shit.

These would be my routine everyday. Lots of housework. I time myself 2 hours to do a complete job, including sweeping & mopping the floor. By now, Cunni & Culus's feet are black as they hopped around the house. When they first arrive, it was yellowish. It can't be wash with plain water. Guess I have to brush their feet with soap someday.

Thing is I don't like bending down. I'll get stiff backache after that. Then I'll start cracking my back bones. Hazel said that my shoulder seems straighter than before? I'm not so sure, as I have not see any chiropractor in ages. Also, not much swimming nor stretching exercises these days.

I Wish I Was Dead

I wish I was dead. How many times have I wish upon this verse?

I got angry with LS again. Looks like since our 2nd year of relationship becoming more tasteless, so does our passion lessen. Especially we are staying together. We get to see each other every day…

I wish I was dead again. Starting this year, especially after he brought his house, I have been having thoughts of not getting married with him. Then, I’ll remind myself again that being spouse, I need to tolerate a LOT with him. I helped him cleaning up his new house & yet he scolded me for not helping him out. I was hungry & it was 10pm plus. I hate to eat late & think my body is fragile – insufficient minerals will made me unhealthy the next few minutes & will prolong for a lifetime.

Yesterday I got scolding for buying 2 pet rabbits before Milo’s leg healed completely. I have asked his opinion on whether I should wait another week & he said ok. I really have to get used of having more responsibilities & not having him around often. Also, I won’t be sleeping in the same room with him after we got married as he enjoys the noise of the radio till he fell asleep.

I don’t belong here. I don’t belong anywhere. Not in my house, not in UPM, not even a spot! Why am I on this EARTH?!!!

There are so many times I bring myself to think of positiveness, to make my mind stronger, yet I’m still in confused state. Should I allow my mind to think positive or negative? It definitely seems like I’m waiting for miracles to happen. I know I’m in charge of my life. Yet, what my Indian lecturer in UPM said is correct. “I AM ANGRY AT SOMETHING.”

That word struck me instantly! I went to the toilet & cried. I thought of my father. Yet, now, after 4 years plus, I wondered what made my perception & character today. I definitely am angry. I feel it inside me whenever I’m dissatisfied on something. Is it my father? I’m doubtful.

One day, I heard over the radio: “Some people relied on their family throughout their lifetime.” I am that person. I realized that I keep hoping my parents, my boyfriend or someone that I think have the responsibilities to bear the burden. NOT ME! Why should it be me??!!!

This is not my house. I will not stay here nor work here. You are only buying for yourself. Why stay in Klang? A place of traffic jams that offers limited freedom. So far away from other location. I DON’T LIKE HERE. I have vowed to bring my children back to M’cca & have their schooling there. Yet, what will I work as?

Feeling Near to Home

I got 16 missed calls while I was in the pool today. Out of that, most of the missed calls were from relatives. I only got 2nd & 3rd aunt's no recently. I had a packed day today, was in BRC 0900 – 2100. Was in the office most of the times! Finished my targeted job today & not at all tired with my packed schedule!

Milo’s medicine has finished, gotta travel to KL to take her medicine tomorrow. I reviewed Toro’s pictures yesterday – how tall he has grown!

After I came home just now, I discovered that both Cunni & Culus has climbed out of the box I put them in! How intelligent! Also, both of them like to suckle from the drinking bottle I brought for them yesterday (RM 9.80). It seems that they don’t know how to control their diet…

Poor Toro & Milo today. Both LS & I went out early today & came home late. Nobody to neither play with them nor cook for them. Rearing pets lets me know how I can cope with LS after our marriage. Those animals are our responsibilities & we already have disagreement on how much freedom we should let our pets have.

Seems like my body clock will only turn tired when it strike 12am, else I’ll be wide awake. Unlike LS who sleeps early nowadays at 2300. Well, it seems that LS will be the one making breakfast for the kids while I would be the one who prepares household things the night before! (If we stay together)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chinese Poems - Form 3 onwards

My Favourite
zu dou lan dou qi,
dou zai fu zhong di,
ben shi tong gen sheng,
xiang jian he tai ji

My Second Favourite
pu tao mei chiew yi guang bei,
yi ying pi pa ma shang chui,
cui hou sa chang jing mo xiao,
gu lai zheng zhan ji ren hui?

My First Poem
chun mien bu jie xiao,
cu cu wen ti niao,
ye lai feng yi sheng,
hua luo zhi duo shao?

My Second Poem
chuan qian ming yue guang,
yi shi di shang suang,
qi tou wang ming yue,
di tou shi gu xiang

My Third Poem
siang wan yi bu she,
qi che deng gu yuan,
xi yang wu sian hao,
zhi shi jin huang fen

Red Beans
hong dou sheng nan guo,
chun lai fa ji zi?
yen jing duo cai se,
zhi wu cui xiang shi

The One Ma Eager Wanted Me To Learn - The Longest
shi ren dou xiao shen sian hao,
wei you guang ming wang bu liao,
gu jing jiang xiang zai he fang,
huang mo yi tou zhao mo liao.

shi ren dou xiao shen sian hao,
wei you jin qian wang bu liao,
zhong chao zhi heng ju wu duo,
ju tao duo xhi yen bi liao.

shi ren dou xiao shen sian hao,
wei you qiao qi wang bu liao,
jin sheng re re shuo en ai,
jin shi you shui ren qu liao.

shi ren dou xiao shen sian hao,
wei you zi sun wang bu liao,
yi xin fu mu gu lai duo,
xiao sun zhi sun shui jian liao?

Qing Ming - 3rd March(Chinese Calendar)
qing ming shi ji yu fen fen,
lu shang sing ren yi duan wen,
jie wen jiu jia he chu you?
mu tong yao zhi Xin Hua Chun

Lover's Song
xiang jian shi nan bie yi nan,
tong feng wu li bai hua chang,
chun chang dao si shi fang jin,
la ji chen hui lei shi gan,
xiao jin tan chou yi bin gai,
yue yun yun jie yue guang han,
fong lai zi qu wu duo lu,
qing tao niao qing wei than kan

Mother's Uncondition Love
zhi mu shou zhong xian,
you zhi shen shang yi,
ling xin mi mi fong,
jing kou ci ci gui,
shui yuan chun chao xin,
bao de shan chun hui.

shao xiao li jia lao da hui,
xiang ying wu gai bin mao chui,
er tong xiang jian bu xiang she,
xiao wen ke chong he chu lai?

qian shan niao fei jie,
wang jing ren zhong mie,
ku chou shuo li ong,
tu diao han jiang xue

ying siang yi shang hua siang rong,
chun feng bu jian lu hau rong,
ruo fei pi yi shan tou jian
hui siang yue tai yue xia fong.

lang zhi hui tou jin bu huan,
zhen jin bu pa hong lu huo,
yi se zhu cheng qian gu hen,
hui tou yu shi bai nian shen.

The Last That I Learn
chun cheng wu chu bu fei hua
han se dong feng sian liu xie
re mu han gong chuan la zhu
qing yen shang lu wu hou jia.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Post CNY

What's life after CNY celebration?

I resumed to work on the 7th day of CNY. Heading back to Klang in 2 cars on Sat morning. Both Lye Song & I were sleepy on the way back that we stopped for a while at Seeremban rest house for a short nap & a cup of Livita & Nescafe...

Lye Song continued his CNY visiting with friends in Klang while I chatted with lifeguard in BRC. Dudu don't even have a student that day nor weeks in Feb. All of them stopped for a month!

I was fairer when I came back. Of course! I did not swim the week b4 CNY & stayed indoors during CNY celebration! 3 weeks including the week I came back from M'cca. Now my skin is tanned as ever...

On Wed @ 0840, Toro met with an accident. A Myvi ran over Toro while he was playing with another male pup beside the road. He was rolled under till the car reversed & he squealed with a loud noise while he ran the whole lot of houses behind before stopping in front of the house again. Once inside the house, he sat still on the car porch that he did not make a noise. I applied yellow lotion on him & brought him to the veterinary.

Luckily, he only suffers minor cuts on his 2 front legs & head & from shock. Apart from that he also learnt his lesson not to be too playful while outside! Good for him! That evening itself, when I brought him for walk to our new house, he really kept close to me! With the single approach of a car, he already pushed me inside to avoid the car! Haha!

Too bad, the same thing happened to Milo yesterday night at about 2020. Nobody saw what happened. We were only briefed that Milo shouted very loud that made all neighbours came out to see what happened. She could not walk after the impact. It was a hit & run case as the car that hit her speed off. Wan Mei carried her inside & there was blood & feces coming out from her anus. Lye Song suspected internal bleeding. Off we went to search for 24 hours animal clinic. There was only one in Jln Mahameru. so by 9pm, we took her to the said clinic.

The initial deposit cost a whooping RM 600! Nothing can be done the night before, therefore Milo haas to be hospitalize at least 2 nights there. X-ray was to be done the next morning. I shared to cost with LS.

The vet told us that her left hind leg was broken & there were multiple injuries. There would be a 2 more detailed x-ray to do to determine the exact wound location. Hopefully, it was nothing too serious. I fell asleep on the way to KL & on the way back to Klang. How am I so tired??? In fact, I had my half an hour nap in the noon. Milo did whined a lot on the way to the clinic. We think that she is discomfort & in pain. However, upon reaching she quieted down. She could even stand on her wobble legs when the clinic's assistant took her weight. She's only 5.16kg while Toro weighted 7.8kg.

On Sat, LS brought Wii home. He was excited of his new purchase. I was not at all affected. In fact, I have not touched the game till now. Only the 3 brothers. Like LS's ma, I don't approve of this new addition into the house. It's a waste of money & energy. This made me more determined to settle in M'cca. Bringing my children away from negative energy around Lye Song.

Writing about that, I spent my whole day searching for jobs related to counselling. There are limited vacancies in private practice, however reports on counselling wrote major improvement working in this area... This made me undecided & indecisive... It seems that I have decided to pursue my interest in this area, however, knowing the facts made me worried. There are friends who encourage me to pursue my dreams, like Huey Ling & Adrianna, but Lye Song do not approve. Well, I guess that sometimes, I'll have to go against the flow...

Today is Huey Ling's birthday. I called her & spent 33mins talking to her on the phone. I did not clean the house today. Only fetch Wan Mei for her errands. Yet, time flies & I did nothing much. I did watched an hour of movie & took an hour's nap. Another hour brisk walking & an hour playing with Toro. That's it. What have I done today?!!

GOSH! I am beginning to worry how to juggle my time between work, study, family & personal time... Now still thinking of learning how to cook. Yesterday, Lye Song brought me to eat "pai ku wang" in Klang town. He told me that he love to eat tomyam fish. He asked me to learn to cook so that he can have it frequently. Yet, my reply to him was to ask him cook himself... What a woman... Too bad. I always wonder how would it be it it's the other gender around?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Full February!

Wow! Can't imagine that I did not blog at all in February! Not even on diary!

Usually, I have lots on my mind... Now still do. Since I have leave a gap for so long, I don't know where to start...

CNY celebrations? - GREAT!

I occupied my time being in M'cca & went to SG on the 5th & 6th day of CNY. Upon coming back to work, I learnt that normally during CNY celebration, Singaporeans would comeing to M'cca & vise versa!

I keep myself occupied with workload b4 CNY celebration. Went home on the 12th (Friday) with Seng Ching. Picked her up near her office in Bangsar. We drove 5 hours journey to M'cca! The funny thing was, just as I entered NS's border, the jam started. Reached home by 2145.

I depart after fetching Wan Mei at 5pm. Right from Klang to PJ, traffic smooth, took me half an hour to reach Menara TM. Starting there I took an hour to reach Bangsar. However, I reach GSC's office JIT. Only waited her for 15mins.

I tried to get as much sleep as I can while in M'cca. This year's CNY was really moodless! Not much of excitement back in my hometown. I still could online at home till 2330 only I went to Jonker St. Even that, Jonker St was not as crowded as expected. Nobody chased the Chai Shen Ye! However, both GSC & I chased him for sheer excitement of getting 20cents! Hahaha!

We were both impressed by performance put by foreigners in Geographer. I took a video of their dance instead of walking up till the stage. Ma baked around 20 types of cookies this year. I did not savour much of CNY cookies this year as I was very conscious. My objective this CNY was to meet as many friends & relatives as possible. The ang pow was not that impressive anymore..

First day was spent at my Grandma's. What noise we made this year as there was a big crowd of unknown cousins who visited Gma's house at the same time too. I was delighted to meet Hui Loon. God knows what chemistry had He mixed between us. We are always looking forward to meeting each other. On that first morning, Hui Loon has made countless phone calls to my house asking what time are we coming. Padahal, Ma, Errk & I were in an association eating for free & getting angpow. Yeei went to work on first day CNY wherelse GSC was left alone in the house.

2nd day morning was a bit uneventful. I used the whole morning reading Harry Potter & online. By 1430pm only I went over to Hui Yin's house & later followed GSC & Jessica for house visiting. Reached home by 2130 already tired. Done 7 hours of house visiting.

3rd day, what did I do? Oh ya! IJC's house visiting! Yeah! I was out from 1010-1740 that day! Went to 8 houses! Great1 Got to meet a lot of long lost IJCians. Right from kindergarten! The feeling was great knowing that you are still 'connected' to oldest friends from your childhood! - Kuah Mei Hui, Amy Chan, Pam Ong, Elaine Tam, Ng Yin Thien, Ng Sin Dee etc.

That evening, Ma wanted to go to JJ's house to 'bai nian'. So off I gotta go at 6pm. We sat at JJ's house for an hour b4 going off to my mom's cousin house-warming. She brought a house costing RM 300K in M'cca! It's a 2 storey-linked house without garden berhadapan dgn jalan. Erm, I would think it's too expensive! Yeah, the house look grand & all, but it's just now my taste.

4th day; I think I did nothing much also today. Took nap, online & waited for LS to come. He reached by 6pm & we went out jalan2 & have dinner. My 3rd aunty came that night 7 I had a short reunion with Hui Loon again! Yippee! Only me at home & GSC went out & both twins went to work. The one hour in the house seems like a short 5 mins only... After they go off, LS, Ma & me went to Gma's house. It seems that Gma is sick & only 3red uncle & wife is at home... haiz..

This is where the SG trip comes in. It cost us RM 250 per pax for accommodation, food, transportation, & fun in Sentosa. Luckily it was not my first time there. Else, I would be in despair & we did not enjoy much of Sentosa's fun & what we did a lot was walk the whole day! Walk till my legs were tired! i wonder how mom take it?!!

Too bad it was only 2 days trip. I vow to take Ma for more vacation out of Malaysia since whe already had her passport made. Coincidently, Seng Chyn called while I was in SG. Since I do not switch on my roaming, she could not get me. We exchanged email & she complimented me in her reply saying that both Ma & Pa were lucky to have a daughter like me. I think I'll just take it & not have any comment.

That wil be all for tngt. Only CNY part. Not too deetail though. Only the event's outline. In case I forgot in the future. The part after CNY would be in a few days time, might even be a few weeks time! Ta-da! Sweet dreams!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


SATURDAY (23/01/10)
I manage to leave BRC early at 1040. I predict meeting Mdm Ong, from Pusat Bimbingan Victor would take some time. Yet, she was in a rush that talking to her consumed less than 10 mins! Well, too early that I went to Giant as LS is not at home...

My initial intention was to check out their hamper & their lokam price. However, a girl's desire can be easily affected. I saw panties that I would like to have & warded off to see more of their clothes. Hmm, not too bad! There I begin to wander, taking notes of items that I can buy, going round the whole shopping centre for about an hour!

By 12pm, I was thinking - why not check out Tesco too. I'll be passing by & I'm on the mood to spend. So, there I go, topping up my to-buy-lists.

I reach home at 1330. As usual, I find it irresistible not to play with Toro as he is adorable. I found that there was nothing to eat at home. Perhaps, LS's ma did not expect me to come home. I online for an hour 1400-1500 before going out to have late lunch.

SUNDAY (24/01/10)
I did not mange to leave early for my shopping as there was one enquiry on swimming lesson. I went to Tesco first yet I don't have a good impression when I was at the car park. It was full of cars. Yet, I still carry on going in. Once in, another 'bad impression settles'. There was no trolley left. People have been waiting for 15 mins, so I left to Giant.

Giant was much less crowded than Tesco! Good environment! Although I prefer Tesco's bright light & wide lanes, I find Giant's arrangement easier to find. Even though I have a checklist, I still took an hour to finish my shopping task. LS came when I was finishing & we went to queue.

We later went to Klinik Ng & Liew. However, the Dr just went out for lunch @ 1330. We went to Klinik Kok & Wendy. I was surprised to c Dr Fred there! He didn't recognize me but I'm planning to go there next time I'm sick.

While I was in the clinic, I receive phone call to enquire about swimming lesson. After my conversation, a lady who's in the clinic came to enquire too. Such luck! I have to make sure I make phone call in public place then!

We reach home at 1415. Time flies! I manage to online for 45mins before heading off for work. LS was feeling drowsy after his medication before I left & when I came home that night. Yet, I was happy when he came to accompany me on my shopping trip.

Yeah! I got myself a date this Friday night with Morgan John Cantius Raphael! It always feels good to see him. Well, I got to find time to date Lee May before CNY. That's all for now. Ta-ta!

Great Morning!

I woke up at 0750 this morning. I though I woke up late as I hear noises in the kitchen earlier & suspected Lye Song is having his breakfast & soon leaving for work. After another snooze by myself, I finally woke up & found that the house is empty! Urghh!!! I don't like the feeling!

I went to check the time & was surprised that it was still early! I decided to brush my teeth & went out out for a jog in front of the house - round the field. Ran 9 rounds for 30 mins. Toro & Milo was so excited to see me.

Toro was following me the short stretch of the field until he saw Spotty (another male in the neighbourhood that likes to play with Toro). I continued my 2 rounds. On my 3rd round, Toro followed beside my heels continuously 2 rounds despite Spotty's disturbance. On the fifth round, Toro left due to exhaustion. The 7th round, Toro came back for another round. He seems tired & distracted on my 8th round & walked back to the house. On my 9th round, Toro was whining loudly in front of the gate that even the other end of the field could hear his voice! By the time I reach home, he was already in the porch.

Milo, on the other hand, wasn't as active as Toro did. She would only follow for a very short stretch of path then explore around for a while & goes back to wait in front of the gate. She seldom make any sound unless necessary. By my 4th round, Milo already went into the house by herself. Yet, today the porch was clean. Either she did not poo-poo there last night or LS already washed the porch. But I saw her poo-poo in front of neighbour's house on my 2nd round. Haa..seems she prefer cement than grass. She did smell Toro's urine when he pee after my brisk walking. Not sure whether Milo did finally understand that she cannot pee or poo in the house?

I went home to reheat chicken & rice for them - as a treat for Toro being able to follow me - 5mins on 2 rounds! BRAVO! Feed them at 9am. Then decided to wash Kancil as I did not manage to wash on Friday night. Again Toro & Milo had chance to go out as I need to open the gate to drive my Kancil in. I only used 2 pails to rinse, wash Kancil & the floor. Excellent saver!

While washing, Toro seems to have the time of his life today as he was being let to enjoy his freedom for 1.5hours. Milo only roam for a while & came back to lie down on her secluded place - under the bicycle. Toro went in & out of the house. Push off the plant pot, bite my wet cloth while I was washing the car, drank water while I was filling up the pail, followed an aunty to sundry shop etc. So FUN!!!

You can imagine how he did all these while I was trying to do my work. As a result, he got a 'lil wet but I enjoyed his companion.

Thereafter, I went in to have my bath & ate my breakfast. I was hungry! As usual, I like to eat in front of them & see their sympathetic reaction. Haha - bad of me! I feed them a few piece of my food. One time, I got biten by Toro when I jumped up to reach my food. My right forefinger bleeds a little. Got to see Dr for injection this noon... Well, I'm going to Kok & Wendy. Only recognized Dr Fred yesterday when LS went there for bee sting injection! (Dr Fred used to exercise in Fitness First)

Well, that was 1000! It's 1230 now, have been online for 2.5 hours now. I intend to finish my ASUM log book today. Now, it seems a bit "Mission Impossible". Yet, there's so much to view once I online! Plus, I don't often online on weekends...

So, this would be my online diary. Possibility of strangers to view my blog...yet, there was no followers. Do I mind? Well, not really, but it's a good feeling to know that someone who would love to follow your daily story. Hmm, some ego part of me, I guess.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Toro & Milo

Now is the time for comparison...

Personally, I like Toro more. He doesn't simply shit in the house, he seems more loyal to his owners but most importantly was his character. He's more loving to us. He greets us with enthusiasm everyday!

Unlike Milo, she use to hide under the bicycle & don't make as much noise. She keep more to herself. She certainly is smarter, however, she don't attach herself to us. Perhaps I like living beings to attach to me?

Lye Song even said that having both of them brought life to the house. We create more responsibilities to ourselves having to feed them daily, clean them & the place and bring them for several walks every day. It does sound like taking care of a human baby!

I love to hug them like hugging a toddler. Toro is nicer to hug as he is fatter. Imagine he just wallop anything given to him - even tissues! Stupid dog! he doesn't know how to differentiate which can be eaten & which can't.

On the other hand, Milo has softer skin to touch. So soft that you can hear Johnson & Johnson's advertisement playing in your ear - "As smooth as a baby's skin". Yet, she's a smaller breed compared to Toro. We can compare it through their feet. Toro's feet is wider.

The first time Toro followed me for walk round the feild in front of LS's house, he took 10mins to complete it. There were times when he took more than 10mins, especially when there's another playful young adult dog nearly wanting to polay with him. Then, Toro would lost him concentration & only will be mindful playing with the black & white guy.

Yesterday morning, Toro made a fabulous record! He took only 5 mins to complete the whole field! I was impressed & happy! I managed to run that time & he had a good exercise too!

With Milo, no such exciting story to tell. However, Milo would not leave your side far. She's easier to control as she won't lose her focus even when she like the game very much. It seems that she's the type that always on alert no matter how exciting the situation is. Good! We certainly need the cooperation of both the dogs to guard the house.

As Lye Song said - street dogs make better guard dog than dogs brought from the shop. I would say that street dogs make better pets as they understand better the suffering living on the street. Which made them appreciate owner's care for them & they are more loyal towards it's owner.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Milo doesn't have a smooth story to tell.

First, he was born at an abandoned crumbled house. She & other 2 siblings were taken to Mayo Clinic to be adopted. Initially, a black & white pup was chosen by LS. However, upon his arrival, Milo was more active than her sibling. Where else, another black pup was even more active than her!

She was put in a box & was taken out at LS's house gate. Before she got a chance to enter the house, Toro greeted her with over-enthusiasm! Too much that we viewed it as puppy bully. Milo was being biten, chased around & she had to attack back. In order to defense herself.

That's why, I initially named her Zorro. Due to her fighting spirit. However, after 2 weeks pass, she got used to Toro's treatment that we no longer think her fighting spirit were as strong a my first impression. So, I named her Milo due to her coat colour - white & chocolate.

Right from the first day, I can c that she is the smarter one. And she proved it! She's more agile, wittier & not as foolish as Toro (though she's only 3 months while Toro is about 6 months I guess)

She don't eat much, unlike Toro who wobble up everything we gave him (he's worried that food will be finished up by Milo). She won't venture too far away from her owner. On the other hand, I feels that Toro is more loyal. Both will come home on their own after some time outside.

I was surprised to see Milo one day last week when she stand for 3 secs on her hind legs! That's fabulous! She likes to snatch things away from Toro also. Somehow, I feel that both of them will never be best friend together. The only reason was that we rear both of them together. Both LS & me felt like we are raising kids of our own...

I do. Especially when I hug them like a human baby. I lied down on the floor with Toro & let him lick my face too. I took so many photos of them than I did these few years of myself!

They went for their first injection the 2nd week they were here, 16th Jan 2010 (Sat). The vet said that we are not suppose to bath them for 10 days! Reason was the injection was injected under their skin, not into their veins. I bet both of them must be relieved! As they often try to break free when I shower them... This means that they can only be showered on 27th Jan. Another week to go...& they are already so smelly! I have to change my shirt daily as they smelled so doggy!

Milo is certainly the more active one, faster movement. Both our dogs were so blessed as LS & I plays with them daily & took them out for long walks. Furthermore, they get to eat rice + chicken + cabbage. Aren't they getting enough nutrition? No wonder they keep passing motion!


I can't contain my happiness anymore!

I aim to write about my dogs in my previous post but there are unfinished story in my mind that I got to finish writing that one first... Then when I finally decided to write about them one week after they arrive, Siong wanted to use the PC at the same time as me... Too bad...

Toro arrived here at 0100, 8th Jan 2010 (Friday). Wherelse, Milo arrived at 1800, 11th Jan 2010 (Monday) - 3 days after Toro arrive. I only found a name for Toro that Monday wherelse after a debate with myself, I finally decided to name Milo Milo only this morning. Previously she was named Zorro...

Toro is such a timid guy compared to Milo. When he was first kidnapped off the street from his mom, he stay still in the car shivering. Then LS caught him & he pee out of fear on the porch. We left him after a while. Shortly after he made whining sound that indicate he wanted to go out to find his mama. He stood by the gate & there he stood all night I guess.

I could not sleep on the night he arrive. Though I was tired, I still got up after being about 20 mins in bed. Went to the hall to see him again till it's 2am. I noticed that only when there's people, he'll made noise.

The next morning, he still crouch by the side. We left him alone as all of us need to work. As it was Friday, I was free by 3pm. I went home & gave him a thorough bath. Too long that he was shivering as I bathed him twice in the bathroom. He still would not get close to me....

I was not satisfied. Normally animals weren't that afraid of me. I captured him & hugged him. Then it started...

He gave me his FIRST LICK!

I was happy!

We cuddled around each other for about half an hour or so... Play till we both were tired.

Then I nap around 20mins on the coach b4 it's time to fetch Wan Mei from the KTM station.

I guess he was tired too that he was still looking so SLEEPY when both Wan Mei & I came home. Guess he too did not sleep the night he was captured.

Well, the excitement goes on steady after this episode...

Everyday, LS & I would spent time playing with him as he was alone. That's when LS said wanted to rear another puppy giving me the reason that his mom wanted another too. Plus, Toro would be lonely as we would often left him alone in the house.

My first source was to search Animal Care website for any free pup. Here came in the story of Milo...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year 2010

It certainly looks like I have missed out so much! Not only that I did not write in blogspot, I did not wrtie in my diary as well. The last entry was 2nd or 3rd Jan while I was at home cleaning up the house.

Definitely much had happened even for an inactive girl like me. I don't mix around much, tha's why I don't have big circle of friends to hang out with. Even though I have invitation, I still prefer staying at home reading my books.

I went home on 31st Dec 2009. Reached home exactly at 1730 when Song Yan was just starting his motorcycle going to head home. We only came out at 2000 later to have cendol at one of his associate's stall. By 2230, after a long chat, we head home. Not even wanting to cramp with others for New Year countdown.

Chee Seong was there though but there was no indication in his message that he wants to meet, so by 2300, I was feeling sleepy & are going to sleep. Yet, being a dawdler, I only manage to get to bed by 2330.

Day 2
Just beginning to get busy hanging out with friends. Milcah, Pearl-Lyn, Huey Choo & Huey Yin. We went to Simply Fish & I later followed pearl-Lyn & Milcah to Dataran to shop. Phew, tired day too, coz I only came home by 1830! Besides, GSC's motor suddenly "mati enjin". After being checked by 4 person (including me), only we find out that the knob of the petrol flow did not turn "on". Why lah we so blurr???

Day 3
Spent my whole day tirying upstairs & finding clothes, tupperwares, bottles to throw...

Day 4
It was a Sunday. Pa said that he wanted to go shopping & buy Chicken Rice @ Tmn Merdeka. So we went out at 0930. Went to Tesco, spent an hour there b4 going to Giant. We only spent half 20mins there as Pa's leg begins to pain. Then head straight to Chicken Rice to da bao for Errk as she need to go to work by 1pm. We have filling lunch & dinner! 1 whole chicken & 100 rice balls!

At 1330, I went out to Gma's house after GSC came back with her motor. Initially, I stopped by Hui Loon's coffe shop to find that they closed the shop already, so i head straight to Gma's. Mana tau, when i ask where is Gma, 4th uncle said that they were chatting inside the coffee shop! I should have go by the back door to have a look first...

Even at Gma's, I also "chang pi gu". Stayed till 1730. Stopped by Tesco to buy Cashewnuts as Pa wants it. Incredibly cheap! 2 packets (125g) @ RM 7.49 only.

Day 5
What exactly I did? Erm, I went to TNB in the morning. Practise piano... Oh ya! Yum cha with Huey Ling @ Old Town Munshi. Only I realized that we were soooo "cheong hei"! Chat from 1400-1800! Went home for a bath & dinner b4 meeting Loke Yee Fei @ Restoran Sin Yin Hoe down the street. While we were chatting, I saw Mr Hee & greeted him...

Day 6
Finally, it's the last day at home. After coming home for 5 days. I went off at 1345 after luch. Went to Tzu Chi to drop off the unwanted things & refill petrol b4 continuing my journey at 1430. Wow, time flies! Just done 2 tasks took 45 mins! Upon arriving at Shah Alam, I turn to take Attendance Card. Then turn to opposite neighbourhood to take contractor's contact. Reached LS's house at 1700 in an urgent state! I ran straight to the toilet to pee.