I took 15mins nap with 2 interruption - phone calls. Only when I woke up at 1430 I saw their message, took my lunch and finished at 3pm sharp. I was thinking of going to the library to finish up my Philosophy group asgm when I thought of Jenn Jye. He was at home! Thereafter, I went to his house and stayed there for slightly more than 1 hour. Managed to finish up to 13pages of my asgm though! Good! One page top up from the previous 12 pages. (I did 8 pages the night before & 2 additional pages in BRC)
Went swimming @ 1625 and done by 1720. Wanted to come up 5 mins earlier but I was so engrossed in my training! Being mindful gives me such bliss, happiness & peacefulness! WOW!
Today was my earlier home-going from UPM as Wan Mei finishes her lecture @ 1730. We reached Klang by 1845. Just on top of the 2nd flyover, I signaled to cut over to the other lane. When I was in the act of moving my car across, I saw a motorcycle and stay put in my lane.
THEN THE CURSE CAME! A young Malay man who was riding the motorcycle past by me and gave me his 3rd finger! I leaned forward and gave him back his sign language (in bodily language, sort of asking him back - "You showed me your 3rd finger???"). HE CONFIRMED that he gave me HIS 3rd finger by SHOWING ME that sign AGAIN!
Immediately, I WAS ON FIRE! After a split second, my conscious get over me and cool me down, telling me not to get angry. Instead, I should feel sorry for him that he could not control his own Anger! I was sympathized with the lady sitting behind him too. Being together with uncivilized human. Wan Mei saw that act too and asked what happened.
I keep on contemplating on my feeling even when I was walking Mylo about half an hour later. I couldn't bring myself not to be angry at him. Since I couldn't forgive him, I keep reminding myself to let go. The least I can to is to forgive myself. Ajahn Brahm's CD which I have listened for 5 times now was JIT! Couldn't have figured a better timing to have this kind of situation to happen to me!
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