Usually, I have lots on my mind... Now still do. Since I have leave a gap for so long, I don't know where to start...
CNY celebrations? - GREAT!
I occupied my time being in M'cca & went to SG on the 5th & 6th day of CNY. Upon coming back to work, I learnt that normally during CNY celebration, Singaporeans would comeing to M'cca & vise versa!
I keep myself occupied with workload b4 CNY celebration. Went home on the 12th (Friday) with Seng Ching. Picked her up near her office in Bangsar. We drove 5 hours journey to M'cca! The funny thing was, just as I entered NS's border, the jam started. Reached home by 2145.
I depart after fetching Wan Mei at 5pm. Right from Klang to PJ, traffic smooth, took me half an hour to reach Menara TM. Starting there I took an hour to reach Bangsar. However, I reach GSC's office JIT. Only waited her for 15mins.
I tried to get as much sleep as I can while in M'cca. This year's CNY was really moodless! Not much of excitement back in my hometown. I still could online at home till 2330 only I went to Jonker St. Even that, Jonker St was not as crowded as expected. Nobody chased the Chai Shen Ye! However, both GSC & I chased him for sheer excitement of getting 20cents! Hahaha!
We were both impressed by performance put by foreigners in Geographer. I took a video of their dance instead of walking up till the stage. Ma baked around 20 types of cookies this year. I did not savour much of CNY cookies this year as I was very conscious. My objective this CNY was to meet as many friends & relatives as possible. The ang pow was not that impressive anymore..
First day was spent at my Grandma's. What noise we made this year as there was a big crowd of unknown cousins who visited Gma's house at the same time too. I was delighted to meet Hui Loon. God knows what chemistry had He mixed between us. We are always looking forward to meeting each other. On that first morning, Hui Loon has made countless phone calls to my house asking what time are we coming. Padahal, Ma, Errk & I were in an association eating for free & getting angpow. Yeei went to work on first day CNY wherelse GSC was left alone in the house.
2nd day morning was a bit uneventful. I used the whole morning reading Harry Potter & online. By 1430pm only I went over to Hui Yin's house & later followed GSC & Jessica for house visiting. Reached home by 2130 already tired. Done 7 hours of house visiting.
3rd day, what did I do? Oh ya! IJC's house visiting! Yeah! I was out from 1010-1740 that day! Went to 8 houses! Great1 Got to meet a lot of long lost IJCians. Right from kindergarten! The feeling was great knowing that you are still 'connected' to oldest friends from your childhood! - Kuah Mei Hui, Amy Chan, Pam Ong, Elaine Tam, Ng Yin Thien, Ng Sin Dee etc.
That evening, Ma wanted to go to JJ's house to 'bai nian'. So off I gotta go at 6pm. We sat at JJ's house for an hour b4 going off to my mom's cousin house-warming. She brought a house costing RM 300K in M'cca! It's a 2 storey-linked house without garden berhadapan dgn jalan. Erm, I would think it's too expensive! Yeah, the house look grand & all, but it's just now my taste.
4th day; I think I did nothing much also today. Took nap, online & waited for LS to come. He reached by 6pm & we went out jalan2 & have dinner. My 3rd aunty came that night 7 I had a short reunion with Hui Loon again! Yippee! Only me at home & GSC went out & both twins went to work. The one hour in the house seems like a short 5 mins only... After they go off, LS, Ma & me went to Gma's house. It seems that Gma is sick & only 3red uncle & wife is at home... haiz..
This is where the SG trip comes in. It cost us RM 250 per pax for accommodation, food, transportation, & fun in Sentosa. Luckily it was not my first time there. Else, I would be in despair & we did not enjoy much of Sentosa's fun & what we did a lot was walk the whole day! Walk till my legs were tired! i wonder how mom take it?!!
Too bad it was only 2 days trip. I vow to take Ma for more vacation out of Malaysia since whe already had her passport made. Coincidently, Seng Chyn called while I was in SG. Since I do not switch on my roaming, she could not get me. We exchanged email & she complimented me in her reply saying that both Ma & Pa were lucky to have a daughter like me. I think I'll just take it & not have any comment.
That wil be all for tngt. Only CNY part. Not too deetail though. Only the event's outline. In case I forgot in the future. The part after CNY would be in a few days time, might even be a few weeks time! Ta-da! Sweet dreams!
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