Monday, March 8, 2010

Post CNY

What's life after CNY celebration?

I resumed to work on the 7th day of CNY. Heading back to Klang in 2 cars on Sat morning. Both Lye Song & I were sleepy on the way back that we stopped for a while at Seeremban rest house for a short nap & a cup of Livita & Nescafe...

Lye Song continued his CNY visiting with friends in Klang while I chatted with lifeguard in BRC. Dudu don't even have a student that day nor weeks in Feb. All of them stopped for a month!

I was fairer when I came back. Of course! I did not swim the week b4 CNY & stayed indoors during CNY celebration! 3 weeks including the week I came back from M'cca. Now my skin is tanned as ever...

On Wed @ 0840, Toro met with an accident. A Myvi ran over Toro while he was playing with another male pup beside the road. He was rolled under till the car reversed & he squealed with a loud noise while he ran the whole lot of houses behind before stopping in front of the house again. Once inside the house, he sat still on the car porch that he did not make a noise. I applied yellow lotion on him & brought him to the veterinary.

Luckily, he only suffers minor cuts on his 2 front legs & head & from shock. Apart from that he also learnt his lesson not to be too playful while outside! Good for him! That evening itself, when I brought him for walk to our new house, he really kept close to me! With the single approach of a car, he already pushed me inside to avoid the car! Haha!

Too bad, the same thing happened to Milo yesterday night at about 2020. Nobody saw what happened. We were only briefed that Milo shouted very loud that made all neighbours came out to see what happened. She could not walk after the impact. It was a hit & run case as the car that hit her speed off. Wan Mei carried her inside & there was blood & feces coming out from her anus. Lye Song suspected internal bleeding. Off we went to search for 24 hours animal clinic. There was only one in Jln Mahameru. so by 9pm, we took her to the said clinic.

The initial deposit cost a whooping RM 600! Nothing can be done the night before, therefore Milo haas to be hospitalize at least 2 nights there. X-ray was to be done the next morning. I shared to cost with LS.

The vet told us that her left hind leg was broken & there were multiple injuries. There would be a 2 more detailed x-ray to do to determine the exact wound location. Hopefully, it was nothing too serious. I fell asleep on the way to KL & on the way back to Klang. How am I so tired??? In fact, I had my half an hour nap in the noon. Milo did whined a lot on the way to the clinic. We think that she is discomfort & in pain. However, upon reaching she quieted down. She could even stand on her wobble legs when the clinic's assistant took her weight. She's only 5.16kg while Toro weighted 7.8kg.

On Sat, LS brought Wii home. He was excited of his new purchase. I was not at all affected. In fact, I have not touched the game till now. Only the 3 brothers. Like LS's ma, I don't approve of this new addition into the house. It's a waste of money & energy. This made me more determined to settle in M'cca. Bringing my children away from negative energy around Lye Song.

Writing about that, I spent my whole day searching for jobs related to counselling. There are limited vacancies in private practice, however reports on counselling wrote major improvement working in this area... This made me undecided & indecisive... It seems that I have decided to pursue my interest in this area, however, knowing the facts made me worried. There are friends who encourage me to pursue my dreams, like Huey Ling & Adrianna, but Lye Song do not approve. Well, I guess that sometimes, I'll have to go against the flow...

Today is Huey Ling's birthday. I called her & spent 33mins talking to her on the phone. I did not clean the house today. Only fetch Wan Mei for her errands. Yet, time flies & I did nothing much. I did watched an hour of movie & took an hour's nap. Another hour brisk walking & an hour playing with Toro. That's it. What have I done today?!!

GOSH! I am beginning to worry how to juggle my time between work, study, family & personal time... Now still thinking of learning how to cook. Yesterday, Lye Song brought me to eat "pai ku wang" in Klang town. He told me that he love to eat tomyam fish. He asked me to learn to cook so that he can have it frequently. Yet, my reply to him was to ask him cook himself... What a woman... Too bad. I always wonder how would it be it it's the other gender around?

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