I feel the urge of having a rabbit when I followed Lye Song to the pet shop last Saturday, 13th March 2010. This white rabbit was so active that he licked my hand & bite it non-stop no matter where I moved. I was there for about 10mins & he followed. Thereupon I asked the price of the rabbits - RM20 per rabbit.
That night itself, I dream of having them! I already made my decision to buy one. However, just to make sure they can live in solitary, I made my decision to buy a pair.
Upon searching for a name, I can't make my decision. Therefore, I named them Cunni & Culus upon their scientific name - oryctolagus cunniculus.
Cunni is the one with the black mark on his nose. I'm guessing that he is a mlae based on his activeness. He is the assertive one which is very curious when I came to his cage. After I bring him home, he would be the one who first hop out of cage to explore surrounding for himself.
Whereupon, Culus is typical all white rabbit that takes a step after Cunni. She only get used to my huggings on the second day.
They took over the cage I brought for Milo. I got a scolding form LS after that. As Milo has not heal & Toro like to bang her over. She would yelp & Toro would get a beating from us.
Those rabbits would pee out of the cage. Only this behaviour frust me. Other than that, their shit is pretty easy to clear. As applied to my puppies, I would bring them once in the morning to the green grass & once in the evening. They would feed on the newly grown grass.
While I am at home, I would let them out for a couple of hours. Normally, they would go into the cage when they have enough. Then only I close the door without latching & sweep their shit.
These would be my routine everyday. Lots of housework. I time myself 2 hours to do a complete job, including sweeping & mopping the floor. By now, Cunni & Culus's feet are black as they hopped around the house. When they first arrive, it was yellowish. It can't be wash with plain water. Guess I have to brush their feet with soap someday.
Thing is I don't like bending down. I'll get stiff backache after that. Then I'll start cracking my back bones. Hazel said that my shoulder seems straighter than before? I'm not so sure, as I have not see any chiropractor in ages. Also, not much swimming nor stretching exercises these days.
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