I got 16 missed calls while I was in the pool today. Out of that, most of the missed calls were from relatives. I only got 2nd & 3rd aunt's no recently. I had a packed day today, was in BRC 0900 – 2100. Was in the office most of the times! Finished my targeted job today & not at all tired with my packed schedule!
Milo’s medicine has finished, gotta travel to KL to take her medicine tomorrow. I reviewed Toro’s pictures yesterday – how tall he has grown!
After I came home just now, I discovered that both Cunni & Culus has climbed out of the box I put them in! How intelligent! Also, both of them like to suckle from the drinking bottle I brought for them yesterday (RM 9.80). It seems that they don’t know how to control their diet…
Poor Toro & Milo today. Both LS & I went out early today & came home late. Nobody to neither play with them nor cook for them. Rearing pets lets me know how I can cope with LS after our marriage. Those animals are our responsibilities & we already have disagreement on how much freedom we should let our pets have.
Seems like my body clock will only turn tired when it strike 12am, else I’ll be wide awake. Unlike LS who sleeps early nowadays at 2300. Well, it seems that LS will be the one making breakfast for the kids while I would be the one who prepares household things the night before! (If we stay together)
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