Friday, January 22, 2010

Toro & Milo

Now is the time for comparison...

Personally, I like Toro more. He doesn't simply shit in the house, he seems more loyal to his owners but most importantly was his character. He's more loving to us. He greets us with enthusiasm everyday!

Unlike Milo, she use to hide under the bicycle & don't make as much noise. She keep more to herself. She certainly is smarter, however, she don't attach herself to us. Perhaps I like living beings to attach to me?

Lye Song even said that having both of them brought life to the house. We create more responsibilities to ourselves having to feed them daily, clean them & the place and bring them for several walks every day. It does sound like taking care of a human baby!

I love to hug them like hugging a toddler. Toro is nicer to hug as he is fatter. Imagine he just wallop anything given to him - even tissues! Stupid dog! he doesn't know how to differentiate which can be eaten & which can't.

On the other hand, Milo has softer skin to touch. So soft that you can hear Johnson & Johnson's advertisement playing in your ear - "As smooth as a baby's skin". Yet, she's a smaller breed compared to Toro. We can compare it through their feet. Toro's feet is wider.

The first time Toro followed me for walk round the feild in front of LS's house, he took 10mins to complete it. There were times when he took more than 10mins, especially when there's another playful young adult dog nearly wanting to polay with him. Then, Toro would lost him concentration & only will be mindful playing with the black & white guy.

Yesterday morning, Toro made a fabulous record! He took only 5 mins to complete the whole field! I was impressed & happy! I managed to run that time & he had a good exercise too!

With Milo, no such exciting story to tell. However, Milo would not leave your side far. She's easier to control as she won't lose her focus even when she like the game very much. It seems that she's the type that always on alert no matter how exciting the situation is. Good! We certainly need the cooperation of both the dogs to guard the house.

As Lye Song said - street dogs make better guard dog than dogs brought from the shop. I would say that street dogs make better pets as they understand better the suffering living on the street. Which made them appreciate owner's care for them & they are more loyal towards it's owner.

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