Christians believe that when a child is born, he is as a piece of white paper. So pure. So beautiful. Which is true. No child is evil. Unless he photocopied it while growing up.
I am not trying to be one who cull people into another religion. As far as Buddhist are concern, we are not a believer. We understands ourself. One of the quality that we adore most is Freedom.
From my point of view & the lifestyle that I am leading now, I make sure that I don't regret in whatever decision I took & don't waste my time unnecessarily. If possible not even a minute. I vowed to myself ever since I achieved my goal of being independent.
Some of the ways that I viewed quality are:
- Reading in the car
- Bringing a book wherever I am
- Talk to someone & exchange info if I find myself in a serious situation
- Anticipate in local activities especially my interest-related
- Improve my skills during my leisure time
- One of the thing that I never fail to do is planning things ahead.
Different people do view quality of life differently. Yet, as we can all be assure of, lifestyle of modern people have degraded immensely.
Yet, we couldn't blame anyone. One of the most important factor that changes our lifestyle immensely was technological advancement. When a new creation comes out, be it smple or complex, somehow or rather it affects our lifestyle. Whether in a speed of light or slow as a snail. Whether directly or indirectly. I have been affected as y mind knows it. Yet, my mental laziness prevents me from improving or moving forward spiritually. i know I have to practise meditation. I know I wanted to attend Dharma class. Yet, staying with a BF always comes into the way. Coz LS do not have an understanding for these things & feel that it is time-wasting. And I never explain it to him. I was ridden towards entertainment and pleasure of dating, wasting money & time...
People who have will power that read this blog will certainly scoff at me... What a weak girl! While writing this, I know that I'm getting lazier, drifting towards non-purpose of life... Lye song, I hope that you read this blog of mine...
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