Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Long, long ago

Remember this song's title? It is a cheerful, simple & short all-time favourite song.

Today is Wednesday. When the week reach this day, I feel that we r going towards the end of the week. Ystd, LS told me of National car exchange programme. When I went to ask this noon, I got a shock of being told that tmrw is the last day to trade in old car for Proton cars. However, Perodua still have not taken the voucher's privilege away.

Lye Song & me has been rushing half of the day to get my car driven back to Meru showroom's branch, & I later went to settle my Iswara's loan of RM 2187.06. Due to decentralized RHB Delta loan payments, I was unable to check my loan settlement balance not get release letter.

Not only I have to call HQ in PJ (Jln 222), I was referred to Malacca branch to get both. By 3pm, it was raining quite heavily & I almost finish calling banks. Yet, I was in confused state & unable to make decision...

We had lunch & was home by 3:40pm. After a few calls & a short thinking process, I finally make decision to trade-in my Iswara 1.for RM 4000. (Since tmrw is the last day, yet, I was unable to settle my car loan & provide release letter & e-batal, the salesman offered to buy my car for RM 1k lesser)

Truly, this is my first time buying a car. I felt a feeling like a new man. I wonder how trilled would I be on the day I am acknowledge that I could drive my car home. My car colour selection - metallic granite grey. New saga 1.3L B-line. (After considering whether to take metallic grey or solid white)

Though my favourite colour is white, I couldn't afford to buy a white colour car as I am too lazy to wash car once a week. Sometimes, not even once a month! Now, my next purchase would be red motorcycle! A white-washed house would fit my white selection perfectly!

Coming to think about that, it seems that though I would like to own a house, my mind & financial do not seem ready. Else, I would be doing tonnes of research of quality, price & my preferences; just like what I did b4 deciding to further study...

The reason why I put this blog's title as "Long, long ago" is the feel of life in me when I was studying in UPM. Which was 3 years ago. Quite some time gone, isn't it? Feeling of working hard to occupy my time; for my likings & going after my preferences. Chasing after my ambitions...

What's next? When will I aim for it???

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