Sunday, November 22, 2009


Sometimes, we just couldn't decide for sure what we want in life. In my case - my career, the type of house that I want to live in, the exact words that I want to write.

Life is sometimes a spider web- the more we struggle, the more tangled we are. To keep cool, we need to relax. The reason we know how to relax is due to the amount of experience we have gained. Sometimes, I pity young children nowadays. They live in such technological advancement & social security obstruction that they are kept in a place so limited that they have so much more not to be explore.

My boyfriend's youngest brother is 14.5 years old now. However, I was so surprised that he was so excited upon seeing earthworm ystd! He have not seen one b4 his whole life! I can see that he has a very protective mother. Yet this is too much! I already make a decision not to let my children be taken care of by her.

Same goes to the spoilt children I teach in Botanic resort Club- the place where I work. I observed that they are so timid that it took ages for some of them to learn swimming. Perhaps, I was taught in pool as deep as 12.5ft. Whereby, Botanic pool deepest is only 2.00m aka 6ft+. I remembered that I'm always in frustration teaching swimming to those so timid that they don't even want to put their head into the water.

I've written that Lye Song & I were planning to buy a house. Actually, I was the one who suggested to invest in buying a house since LS has abundant of surplus every month that he'll still waste into buying unnecessary things. Yet, he doesn't have a clear view of what type of house to buy. Till now, none of us are serious buyer. It's already nearly a year. I wonder when my feeling will come.

LS friends once say that he likes to complain. HE IS! There just seem no hose to suit him! He wants to stay in an apartment, yet I don't quite agree with this idea as we need to move out again after we have children. Unless, I confirm that I'm moving back to M'cca with my children while LS stays here for work. If he's willing to sacrifice, he'll have to travel back to M'cca every fortnight for us.

My career - I still have not get a finite answer. I already decide to progress towards this career, yet where else can I proceed into. Must I work in educational related institution only, or can I work in private practice? Is there any other place that I can reach out for more people?

I'm passing my time waiting. How old am I on the inside? Too old? Coz I consumed too much time waiting for the right opportunity to come to me...

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