Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cruel Man-Killing Sharks

Water stands 70% of the globe, yet how much do human care about other life in the World? This topic I'm focusing on is whales & sharks, the most fearsome predator int the sea.

Having Discovery Channel & animal Planet at home, documentaries have given us insights of underwater world. Wanna guess how many of us appreciate it? Well, I'd better not know! Ystd's documentary was shark killing. Imagine you yourself being captured by some species smarter than you, cut off all your limbs, then throw you back into the rubbish bin, leaving you to die.

Would you still do the same to our fellow friends in nature?

How heartless are all humans living on earth?

Damaging any of our ecosystem will erupt other living beings... Haven't anyone discover that???

This shows how stupid or ignorant is human race!

When one says big, we could only imagine big. Yet, after watching ystd's documentary, I was shocked to hear how many sharks were caught every day for their fins! Let's put it this way (for more impact) - We kill 1000 humans every day around the world, including babies who have soft white skin. EACH & EVERY DAY!

What do you think would happen to the human population?

Well, if it gets lesser, I would be more happy! Less problems created! I couldn't agree more!!!

Worse still, shark killing occurs because of the belief the nutrient human benefit from it's fin! They don't even have the right to own their limbs!!! Pooh!

Same goes to human trafficking around the world - some humans are just ill-luck that they don't own they body. Else, how would prostitute & child trafficking occur?

This is a thought for us to think...

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