Sunday, November 29, 2009

Anak Melaka (Part 1)

One can never forget his birthplace. It's not the same elsewhere. Place where you once used to play rough around the neighbourhood. Place where you find comfort where you don't even afraid to sleep alone outside. Place where you feel the most freedom!

I was back home for the weekend again. I was supposedly follow my BF & his friends to a friend's wedding in Muar. however upon hearing that my dad's health condition aren't good, I decided to stay home. Yet, I did not do much of what I planned to do since my dad did not need much of my help.

We (Alvin, LS, Wei Kee & Zhong Qiu) leave in a Saga by 1pm. I was so hungry from the previous day & did not have my breakfast since morning that I feel I'm on the negative verge. Luckily, we stop in Bkt Tinggi for lunch b4 moving on. There are a lot of vehicles in M'cca entering from the toll right to M'cca town. LS & friends were in dismay when we reach Melaka Baru to find the chicken rice shop has sold their last piece of chicken meat... Therefore, we went straight down to Jonker St to have a bowl of Durian cendol each after checking into Chong Hoe Hotel.

Wei Kee & Zhong Qiu fall in love with crafted boken sold in Jonker St that they keep eyeing them, while Alvin keep reminding LS to buy a 4x4 cube. Thereafter, we continue to walk leisurely along the pathway till more stall vendors came to set up their stalls for the night business. There are really a lot of amazing things that attracts both tourist & locals but time's up for us to go back, shower & leave for Winnie's wedding.

I was tired by 10pm that I took a short nap after setting my alarm at 2311 to open the house door for LS & Alvin. I missed call LS in vain, so I guessed that he might be sleeping in the car. What I didn't expect when I hear the bell sound at 2332 was that LS was drunk & was vomiting when I went outside to have a look!!!

Wei Kee & Zhong Qiu stood outside for about 20mins while Alvin, me & my mom clean the mess. What I didn't notice was LS vomited on his right rear door when I tried to close the door. GROSS! I have to run to the back of my house again for another bucket of water & cloth to clean those stomach content. Lye Song later amused me by his drunkard walk. He walked to the middle of the road unstably. Hahaha!!!

I push Pa's wheelchair to the front to escort Lye Song to the foot of the staircase leading to my bedroom. He was sooooo dizzy & feels like vomiting again that I let him rest a while in that wheelchair.

Upon waking up the next day, he couldn't recall how he enter his car & was still feeling dizzy! Terrible! He came to my sister's room at 0530 & woke me up! I couldn't sleep till 6am. By the clock rang of 7am, I was awake again & went down for a light breakfast. I pack my thins & clear those unwanted clothes with the help of Yeei & Errk into new plastic bags to give to Tzu-Chi since we'll be passing by later.

At lunch, LS asked his friends to recall again on the account last night. Alvin told him that he vomited 5 times & repeat each location... Haha!!! We all ate 40 chic rice balls & 1 whole chic which cost only RM 27.20. I take away 100 chic rice balls with 2 chic which cost me only RM 49.00! Damn cheap, half the price of He Ji in Jonker St.

My family couldn't finish the 2 chickens... We went back my house after both WK & ZQ checked out. Zhong Qiu did not sleep the whole night as it was too cold. Alvin only slept at 2am coz it is not his bed. LS & ZQ chatted with Pa for a hour. We only proceed our trip at 1pm. They went jln2 to clock tower & Jonker St again & didn't forget to buy boken while LS & Alvin went for a haircut.

Just before we make decision to leave M'cca, LS suggested eating Nyonya food. Of all 3 Nyonya restaurants (Ole Sayang, Nyonya Makko, Nyonya Indah) in Melaka Raya close, only Banyonya was open for biz. So I suggested Udang Masak Lemak nenas, Pongteh, Cencaluk omelet, itik tim & Kangkung Belacan. We finished our food at 5pm. By 6pm, we exit the toll in Ayer Keroh. Just after passing by Pedas/Linggi exit, the highway was jammed till after Seremban exit! That was a whole 4 hours journey until we reach Bkt Tinggi at 945pm! I was asleep in the car for an hour...

What's more, those kaki game want to play game some more! I joined them for web surfing for an hour. By the time we finish at 11pm, my stomach was growling & supper we had! Fat alr la... Ystd's every meal was full! I managed to keep awake till 1am b4 I fall asleep due to my wet hair. Today, wake up at 9am - 8 hours' sleep.

Wonderful Melaka, quiet trip as LS's friends don't talk much.

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