Friday, August 28, 2009

Why We Don't Have to Suffer Anymore?

I just reach home from one of the exciting Dharma talks conveyed by an enthusiastic speaker. He point out 7 points to take notes of. Yet, I only took out my mobile towards the end of the talk. As such, there are only 3 points that I could remember.

Of one point. He did speak on the difference of a man's feeling & reaction compared to a woman's feeling & reaction. He said that when a woman feels, she would use ALL her Brain to think & therefore becomes a deep thinker & multi tasks. Wherelse, a man would only uses half his brain to think & does things one at a time. Interesting, isn't it?

If you think you are suffering, you are! Everyone does! The minute you are born, there is the attachments of sufferings. There is no running away from this cycle of samsara. Like what my mom used to tell me, the minute a child is born, he uses money. From milk powder, napkins to toys. So true is the sentence unless we learn how to detach ourself from the strings of craving.

The tools to end suffering is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path. This made me realise & understand when one of the Dharma brother says that it's not easy to be reborn in a human realm. It is even difficult to have to chance to hear the Dharma. I used to wonder that's it's the same to hear Chistian's speech, Muslims & other religion's compared to Buddhism's. Wow, of what we have know is the littlest wisdom that has been known. How can I compare myself of those wise mans.

Helping others. The greatest joy that one can find is the bliss of helping others. We were born to make the Earth a better World. What do you think Michael Jackson sang his songs towards the end of his passing away? To create awareness in the need to help others!!!

Those were only short recap of what I have heard tonight. It is really a wonder that I'm such a spiritual woman. Buddhism is an understanding that I can perceive well, being closely connected to our daily lives' happenings. Unlike other religion that asks ones to believe blindly on faith which I find it difficult to accept. I am one of the type of person who would blindly believe on what others said. Yet, this do not happen to me when it comes to religion. Buddhism permits us to provoke them, the fact, what is spoken, the only religion that encourage us to ask questions & not to blindly believe. I guess this was one of the major reason that I have fallen into the trap of being the follower of this religion.

Indeed, I am a girl who adores my freedom very much. A typical Sagittarius.

Yet, of another reason why I stick to this religion was because of my race. I had believed that there IS a reason of why I had been born into a Chinese family, in Malacca. Most Chinese population were believers of Buddhism, so I think that I SHOULD. Not knowing that there were many Chinese of other religion as well. Which means, that I have Strongly believed in 'Law of Kamma' before knowing it's true meaning. Perhaps, what senior practitioner of Buddhism said was true. That I was a Buddhist & perhaps a meditator in my past life that I feel somewhat strong connection in my present believe & practise.

I know that I am far from achieving Nibbana. Yet, how seriously would I look upon meditation in this life? When would I get further from cycle of samsara? What purpose do people close to me in this life have to do with me? Well, those were not important questions in the eye of a Buddhist. I need to remind myself frequently as I am a day-dreamer. What's most important now is the present. And presently, I just realised that there are so many interesting topics that I could write relating to Buddhism!

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