Friday, August 14, 2009

Malacca, My Safe Haven

It certainly seems like I'm not a down-to-earth person. Always living in dreams, that is too good to make true.

I am currently staying & working in Klang. Yet, I wanted to stay & work in Klang after I conceive, especially when my children go to school.

Don't make sense right? I am already thinking of plans a decade ahead...

I have currently changed my schedule of going home fortnightly... This is where my hometown attract me back. I have grow fond of my birth place & is very comfortable staying there. Everytime I goes home, my mind is at peace. M'cca is really a place for me to de-stress...

I told Lye Song about my plan to go back M'cca after I retire, yet, he doesn't seem to agree with that. Though what he say is true, that by the time I grow old, I won't be having any friends in M'cca. Yet, my mind could not conceive these words when I hear it...

It wass due to my frequent home-going nowadays that I misses M'cca more. I can observe very strongly how my mood changes whenever I step into the border of S'gor. When I am in UPM, my mood are in another setting. The amount of stress is there, yet due to my enjoyment of my studies' life, I could cope with it.

When I step into Klang, the stress is conceivably stronger. While here, it was because of the presence of someone I love dearly...

When I agreed to work as a full-time swimming instructor with Aquasplash, I was thinking how long could I stay with this company... It seems that I'm the one who never settles down. Now my mind is already thinking of leaving M'sia to further study in NZ...

I wonder how could LS stay with Price Solution doing sales for nearly 3 years???
While I could only maintain my enthusiasm for only 3 months...

Am I a horrible person??

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