Friday, August 28, 2009

Anger in Traffic Jams

We could suffice anger. I was on the verge of whether letting it go or let it arise. Indeed, I think too much of it that I let it arise. Upon reaching my destination, I let "it" out.

So loud & consistent was my shout that I broke the silence of the neighbourhood. I have just broken a minor precept yet strong, powerful tool towards Nibbana. My car is another stage towards it's doomsday... It's horn is now damaged - by me...

I banged into the steering & shouted my lung out. I did not realise that LS's mom was outside & she rushed out to check. "It was me", I answered.

My future mother-in-law must be thinking that I went into hysteria. I just could not accept being trapped into traffic jams! Not even once a day! Though I view myself as being highly adaptable to any kind of environment, life surrounded by jams isn't one of my options. So different compared to traffics in Malacca.

This has been my second time writing articles related to traffics. Public transports are unreliable, nor are cars. Motorcyles has the risk of being the worst outcomes in accidents, walking has it's own consequences of being robbed or being raped. Bicycles are being viewed as being one of the lower class caste. Why all the sufferings?

I have a fairly satisfying day. In the end, nothing is permanent. All things are subject to change. As my mood now, it was traffics in Klang made my day end unsatisfactoriness. I actually has just come back form a dharma talk. A very enjoyable evening indeed. My mind was full of views & thought I wanted to write, which I do not know which to prioritise. And in a sudden, I'm tired to arrange my mind into some form of interpretable article.

My main point here is to convey how anger can arise & suppress within our control. I'm already half my way to writing craps; just like how we speak without the knowledge of our mind when we are angry. Thanks to my mindfulness that I am quickly aware to the changing to my mood. Be it anger, disappointment, happiness etc. The changing mood of human being is the one that colour our homo-sapiens world. Too bad that most of the colour were conveyed in dark, ugly colours. Luckily, my world is of bright, soft colour of pastel ranges.

Choices is in our hands! You choose! Sadhu!

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