Sunday, July 26, 2009

Satisfaction for more than a week!

By & bygone!

Lo & behold!

The month of July is going to end in a few more days... And here I vividly remember the beginning of year 2009. Also, the beginning of year 2008 & 2007 & those years beyond. All way back to year 1996!

Yup! That's true!!!

I have been very satisfied my days over these fortnightly. I have been occupying myself with a continuous string of work to-be-done over the weekdays & weekends...
- Keep the house clean
- Get enough sleep
- Doing Aquasplash marketing
- Designing packages
- Arranging August's classes
- Composing what need to be handled to HQ for the month of July
- Planning upcoming events
- Trying to finish watching 'Prison Break'
- Onlining & control my timing from getting too much time being online

What else does a idle mind require from these activities? I keep doing things that I feel happy that I don't fall back into laziness.

Another thing that made me happy is the fact that I'm going home on Wed! Has been 2 months...
Though I could not make my home-coming 4/5 days, but I'm glad I get a FULL 2 days off!!!

Hmm, felt back in UPM days. Where my time are always filled, tasks done JIT, yet with no additional stress of rushing to get work done... Or I would say minimal...

Hopefully, this would be my starting of my UPM days again in my working life, & never to be end. (Gosh, here I'm hoping for permanent situation! How can it be?!)

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