Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today is Wednesday. N it is already night. What have I done today? Doing my routine or wasting my time?

Let's not think on that first. Recently, I have been discussing a lot on relationship, marriage and family with friends my age. And it is getting more real...

Let's leave it aside.

I played with a cat just now. Nothing to fuss about. However, can you remember when is the last time you connect with another living being?

I've search on dogs a couple of days ago. My opinion is that I want to have an "open house" daily for other living animals: cats, dogs, birds etc.

1. I would leave unfinished food at the backyard for cats to eat (if there is any left). This way, I'll get to watch them play and play with them for a few minutes, say 15mins. It really soothe the heart and bring the "child" back in you!

2. I want to rear a dog in the year of dog, which is in year 2014. Starting from a puppy. Even when the pup grown up and died, I'll replace it with an adult dog, preferred stray. Then, the live cycle will continue in the house. "Someone" to look after you when you are alone. Or "someone" who hear you nag and keep secret from others. Haha, sound ridiculous??

3. I'll place a pail of water every mid-morning and after noon (when time were the hottest) in my lawn/ yard. That way, I can see birds flying in to bath or to quench their thirst. How free to feel, I mean the feel of Freedom.

4. Fishes are Lye Song's hobby. So, I guess that our house can't lack of one aquarium too. Of course, that would have to be LS to take care of!

Well, that would be 4 types of animals!

I never get a chance to rear a dog b4. I will get it in the future.
Cats are averywhere and they'd come to you if you are nice to them.
You can't catch a bird and trap them in a cage (like what my dad did). So, it's best to leave their rights to them.
Fishes resembles me, I think. As I swim a lot, so let it be a reflection in the house.

Well, well, looks like we'll nedd to share a house with lots of beings yea. Be it a small house or a medium size house...

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