Thursday, September 23, 2010
Got 3rd Finger Today
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Mindful Swim
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I was born and raised in Malacca since 19 December 1984. Having born into conservative parents, naturally, I was not exposed much to the world out of my routine daily activities. Not until I gained the freedom to decide how much time I’d like to allocate in activities I participated during my university’s life that added some sparkles into my life.
The eldest among 4 sisters, I resembled a lot of my father’s stubbornness, eager to learn, always wanted to win and have a quick temper. However, I was very much attracted to the word “Psychology” and ‘Counselling” when I went to a seminar after Form 5 related to divergent courses that was offered by a college.
These two words have been haunting my sub-conscious mind ever since, though I did not give a hard thought during that time. Life went on as usual with school activities, studies and examinations. Not until I got my STPM result that we were all forced to make a choice of career that one would like to be after Degree course that I begin to weight the choices I’d like to make with Psychology or Counselling, or some other subjects that don’t relate much to human behaviour.
The biggest barrier was from my idealistic father who doesn’t encourage the study of human science at all. During that naïve period of me who do not know how to gather more information in this area or sought more ideas on career path of Psychology or Counselling, therefore, things were left to be. I choose a course in Business Administration.
Hope does not dampen in me for things I have not yet achieve. All the moment, I wanted to put the blame on my father for my unachieved ambition. Yet, deep down, I do know that if I do not take action to change and pursue my dreams now, it’ll forever remain unchanged. I will not tolerate the devil in me to blame my cowardliness. Upon acting on instinct, I determined to sign up Master Programme in Counselling end of year 2009.