Sunday, August 15, 2010


I wasn't rushing to UPM today...

While driving just now, a gush of peaceful feeling filled my spiritual self... Wow!!!

Suddenly, I was able to reflected myself more thoroughly.

I found out that I am a person that really cares on details. Aiming to do things to perfection. However, when I can't manage to achieve that, I'd shy away denying that I have the ability to complete a task(s) perfectly... Those who know me and are reading this blog, do you view me as a person I wrote I am?

It's quite a committed task always reminding myself to be mindful. To be aware of what am I doing every seconds. Even harder when I tends to entertain to messages or making phone calls while I'm driving. Yet, I often find that that was the best time to settle communication calls and messages. Coz, when I reached a certain place, there would be other things that consume my time doing.

Now, I'm sitting comfortably facing my faculty with breeze blowing into my face. Minimal pressure, no rush of time. I know that I have to leave a bit more allowance of time from 1 task to another task. Yet, how & where?

Oh, I'm so looking forward going home end of this month and during sem break in mid-Sept. A total detoxification and cleansing of mind and body then! For the mean-time, I need to focus on my studies and work. Where else, Lye Song is giving hint that I don't spend enough time with him. Well, that is one area that need to hold for a while. At least till we get marry, which will be a year and a half more. By the time, I'll be almost finishing my studies...

He doesn't find enough time to spend. Same for me too! It seems my workload is getting over-whelmed day by day! Why doesn't it goes the same with salary???