Monday, June 7, 2010

My Dogs

It's raining outside & Toro has finally grown up!!!

Today is a cool breezy morning! The wind feels so smooth on my skin. So wonderful! Toro has his first pee stop just outside a neighbour's house a couple of houses away from ours. He lifted his right hind leg & pee like an adult dog! Wow, just slightly pass 7 months! Well, Milo too just had her spay done next week, around 7 months too.

Now, now. I estimated Loto to be around 2.5 months when we noticed that his testis to be growing slowly. Hmm? Isn't it a little too early? Or is he older than we thought? Even if we add additional a month to him, it's still considered too young as Toro started to grow testis at 5 months.

I brought Milo & Loto home last Sat. The reason is because Milo is still on medication & there are nobody to feed her if we were to leave her here. Wherelse Loto is still in his chubby physical. I intended to bring Cunni & Culus home too, however both have grown nearly full-size.

Milo & Loto dirtied my car the most! They vomited in my car during the 5 hours ride. We took 2.5 hours to drive to Ampang, sat there for an hour, then took another 2 hours to drove down M'cca. Therefore, it's actually a near 6 hours ride.